Chat w/ Carrie Coon – Emmys Series – Episode 17 – The Leftovers Podcast: The Living Reminders With Mary And Blake


Hosts Mary and Blake chat with Carrie Coon, AKA Nora Durst of The Leftovers on HBO in the third part of our three part Emmys Series Interviews.  In this episode, you’ll learn all about Carrie being new to television, hearing about the “Honey Badger” moniker, the coffee cup scene, Nora’s identity and refusing to let go, being inspired by the book, “The Wave,” question 121 and her faith,  why no one in her family ever lets a perfectly good martini sit on a bar,  Holy Wayne and Nora needing to be touched, the relationship with Kevin starting in a healthy place of honesty, her family of Loved Ones, believing that “life will out,” and why Blake fangirled a little more than he wanted.

Carrie Coon

9 comments on “Chat w/ Carrie Coon – Emmys Series – Episode 17 – The Leftovers Podcast: The Living Reminders With Mary And Blake

  1. mjmurray308 says:

    I can't wait to see more Carrie Coon in season 2

  2. mjmurray308 says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Unknown says:

    Guest was my favorite episode. More Nora.

  4. mat says:

    Love Carrie. Incredible acting. I would also really love to hear her guttural screams as she finds her loved ones at the kitchen table. I understand Kath's direction and think it was a better choice to leave it out, but seeing as it took her multiple takes to nail it, would be very cool to hear the screams!

  5. Ben L says:

    Great podcast! It's very enjoyable listening to Carrie coon talk about her character in the leftovers. Loved her episode and that moment when she sees her fake family at breakfast. Carrie coon is such a fantastic actress. Thanks for this guys!

  6. Jake Waldron says:

    Loved the interview! I hope you are able to get her back for another one after season 2!

  7. 0hHellzYeah says:

    I am dying to see how Nora and Kevin's relationship develops and if it survives the new trials that await them in Miracle! Carrie Coon is amazing in her role. Such a smart actress. Love her.

  8. mathilda says:

    Wow, she's so smart insightful. My favorite interview so far!

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