Wicked Rhody: (2/1/19 – 2/3/19)


Wicked Rhody podcast hosts Mary and Ben discuss Rhode Island life, ideas, events, and stuff to do for the week of February 1st Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher Download: (.mp3) | Mobile PlaySocial: Like Us On Facebook | Follow Us On Twitter | Follow Us On Instagram Wicked Interesting: John Allmark Jazz Orchestra – Monday Night – The Met https://www.facebook.com/events/391795304956361/ ——————————————————————————————————————————————– Wicked Fun in the 401 First Saturdays at Roger Williams Parkhttps://www.facebook.com/events/601912443573586/?event_time_id=601912450240252On the first Saturday of each month, Providence residents with valid ID or proof or residency receive FREE admission to: • Roger Williams Park Botanical Center, open 11am-4pm• Museum of Natural History and Planetarium, open 10am-4pm• #RWPZoo, open 10am-4pm from October-March and 10am-5pm from April-September Monster Jam at the Dunkin Donuts Centerhttp://www.dunkindonutscenter.com/events/detail/monster-jam-triple-threat-series-1 Styleweek Northeasthttps://www.facebook.com/events/594469870998740/ Livingston Taylor w/ special guest xtSeth GlierSaturday @ 8pm – Greenwich Odeumhttps://www.facebook.com/events/794098640922459/ ——————————————————————————————————————————————– Family Friendly Family Day at Central Rock Warwickhttps://www.facebook.com/events/1420704361398676/——————————————————————————————————————————————– Wicked Romantic: The Arctic Playhouse https://www.facebook.com/events/303970090467775/?event_time_id=303970093801108 ——————————————————————————————————————————————– Wicked Nice Wicked Rhody is proud to announce a new partnership with the United Way of Rhode Island, helping to spread the word about wonderful opportunities for you, your family, and your friends can volunteer in and around Rhode Island! Find Your Bold, ExeterFind Your Bold, which helps people break barriers through physical activities, needs volunteers for WinterDash on March 30. Responsibilities include selling raffle tickets and managing the course (registration, water stations, obstacles, start/finish line). For more information, contact Lynn at info@fybold.org. Jonnycake Center of Peace Dale, Peace DaleJonnycake Center, which helps Narragansett and South Kingstown residents meet their basic needs, is seeking food pantry volunteers to serve visitors, sort donations, and stock shelves for 3 hours/week, Tuesday–Friday. Contact: Kate at volunteer@jonnycakecenter.org. Providence CityArts for Youth, ProvidenceCityArts, a community-based arts organization that provides education and training to Providence youth, needs volunteers for their winter session (January 28–March 7). Responsibilities include assisting Teaching Artists in classrooms, helping with homework, and monitoring the front desk. Commitment: 1–2 days/week, Monday–Friday, 3:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. BCI required. Contact: Amber at amber@providencecityarts.org. Family Service of RI, ProvidenceFSRI, which builds social service partnerships that address the community’s unmet needs, is looking for Walking School Bus volunteers to walk children to school at least once/week. Walks run from 8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m. until June 24. BCI and CANTS required. If you can walk up to 1.5 miles, contact Joyce at levenjo@familyserviceri.org. To learn more about United Way Rhode Island, or if you’re in need of assistance visit their website or simply dial 2-1-1 and get connected to the help you need!


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